Bethesda Ministries of India


Bethesda Ministries of India is located in Bangalore, the Capital City of the State Karnataka in India. Its name is derived from the Bible (NIV) in John 5:2: “ Now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool, which in Aramaic is called Bethesda and which is surrounded by five covered colonnades”.

According to the census in 2017 there are around 11 million people living in Bangalore. The population of the state of Karnataka is 60 million. The Indian nation has the most fast-growing population in the world and counts at present 1.33 billion people.

The Indian road, the most fascinating road in the entire world! A surprise awaits you at every turn. On this road you will find the world’s richest and the world’s poorest. You will find age-old wisdom along with the world’s lowest literacy percentages.

What do we do?

The activities of the ministry in all undertakings and endeavors are throughout the past 5 decades the same as they still are today: Children day care centres, Helping poor families, Home for widows and older ladies, giving personal counsel, Sunday Church services, Bible Studies, Tailoring Units, Small Prayers-Big Answers Groups, Women’s fellowship weekly, running Day Care Centers, regular Slum activities, health care with providing free medicine to the poor etc.